Classroom Rules and Regulations

-Features of Class at Rider



The classes are somewhat different at Rider University from those at Sanda University. Rider classes are more interactive, less intensive and more flexible. However, they are not as relaxed as what is shown in some American movies. They still have their own rules and regulations.



Key words here!

More interactive:

It means that you can ask questions or give your own opinions to professors whenever you want. Even when a professor is talking, you can still ask your question unless the professor tells you not to interrupt his/her lecture in advance. However, you have to raise your hands before you start to talk, in order to show respect to your professors. Furthermore, do not be afraid to ask questions, even if you think they are stupid. All questions and ideas are valuable here.



Most Rider classes are student-oriented. Professors give their lectures based on the students’ understanding of materials. Most professors welcome students to visit them during their office hours. Therefore you can get more explanation about your questions during that period. As a result, you will not feel so uncomfortable or nervous in the class.



The class rules and regulations vary from one class to another, since it is set by the professors themselves. All professors have different rules. For example, some do not require attendance, but others do. Another example is that eating and drinking are not allowed in some  classes, but is acceptable in others. All the class rules and requirements are written in each professor’s syllabus. Therefore, it is important for you to read each professor’s syllabus carefully before you go to the first class.





Regulations and Rules

1. Don’t be late.

2. Always Email your professors the day before the class, if you want to enter the class late, leave early, or be absent.  

3. Never talk in classes when others are talking.

4. Always speak English in class discussions.

5. All phones or other electronic devices are not allowed in classes unless the professors permit you to use them.

6. Always be prepared for class. Print the slides or materials needed before the class and bring them with you to the class.

7. Participate in class discussion actively, as class participation is always a part of your grade.

8. Check your syllabus of each course. Know when the exams are, when the assignments are due and manage your time well. Always keep deadlines for your homework, projects and assignments.  

9. If you have a problem with the class, feel free to email your professors. They are the people who can clarify things for you.




Academic Honesty

Here are some major types of cheating and plagiarizing.


Types of cheating:


1. Cheating on in-class exams


2. Cheating on take-home exams






Types of Plagiarism:



1. Copying others’ works word for word without the necessary citations.


2. Copying others’ works with slight changes when there are no necessary citations. 


3. Paraphrasing  others’ ideas or opinions without necessary citations.